Use this Checklist to Catch AI Image Errors Before Adobe Rejects Them!

Plus: AI Video Coming From Adobe? And Latest Microstock Headlines

Multiple viewers of my YouTube channel have asked for a helpful checklist they could use to review their AI content for errors. There are so many ways for an image generated by Midjourney or other platforms to go wrong, and any one of them will lead to rejection if you don’t catch and correct them in Photoshop or other image editing software.

Of course, the most obvious errors to watch for involve technical quality including resolution or noise. But beyond these issues, other hidden surprises can be lurking in the images, and you can use this handy checklist to remember to watch for the many ways AI can go wrong:

❒ Nonsensical text on signs, logos, documents, etc.
❒ Gibberish numbers on clocks, speedometers, etc.
❒ Too many/few or deformed: fingers, toes, hands, feet
❒ Too many/few legs on tables or chairs
❒ Distorted or missing feet
❒ Other strange face details -- eyes or ears misaligned, etc.
❒ Distored limbs on animals, insects, etc.
❒ Eyeglasses that are misshapen (one lens not matching other)
❒ Reflective surfaces like windows or mirrors showing inaccurate reflections
❒ Staircases that suddenly drop into an abyss
❒ Roads that dead end or drop of
❒ Round shapes that are jagged, oval, or otherwise misshape
❒ Tattoos that are messy or gibberis
❒ Patterns or background elements that are inconsisten
❒ Logos (even if they appear correctly, remove them or Adobe will reject your submissions
❒ Inappropriate content (sexually suggestive or explicit, vulgar)

Did I leave anything off the list? Drop me a comment in the MicrostockLife YouTube channel!

2023 Adobe Max Conference Highlights

I attended Adobe Max, the annual gathering of Adobe developers and users that explores all the latest innovations the company is rolling out, as a guest of Adobe a few years ago. It was a great experience, and since then I have followed each year’s announcements closely. This year didn’t disappoint, and one big unveiling that excited people, particularly stock image and video contributors, was the progress made in AI generative video within Adobe’s Creative Cloud software.

This has big implications for anyone submitting video, and could open a whole new world to anyone currently just uploading images but always wanted to experiment with video. No date was unveiled on when the new capabilities would be rolled out for all of us to try out, and as of now Adobe Stock hasn’t announced when it would start accepting AI generated video, but I’m closely watching for these updates and will share when I see them!

You can see full coverage of the Adobe Max event here.

Microstock Headlines

70% Off Course on How to Sell More of Your Photos, Footage and AI Images

For a limited time, my two-hour masterclass on selling your photos, footage or illustrations online is 70% off the regular price at Udemy. The course includes a free download of the 100+ PDF book that details everything in the course plus additional content such as agency details, tips for success and more.

This course will cover the critical steps to successfully sell online:

· Identifying what is selling today so you generate content customers need
· Uploading to the best agencies for images and video
· Titling and keywording your work so more customers can find it
· Streamlining your workflow to grow your portfolio of in-demand work
· Avoiding mistakes that could get you rejected or banned
· Using AI tools to create images and keyword your images or videos
· Tracking your downloads and trends to build on your success

Watch the course introduction for free here.